A Voice for Those Who Need It Most

Advocating for refugees after being invited to a broadcast on Denver7 ABC

Of the things that I’ve been most proud is having the opportunity to learn and share more of the stories of refugees from different parts of the world. As the education and engagement director at a non-profit in one of the poorest zip codes in Denver, with a primarily refugee community, I’ve come to know amazing families who have endured unthinkable challenges.

One of our students, deeply engaged in a literacy activity connected to creativity in health science

In this role, I’ve had the privilege of teaching English to refugee women and running a literacy-based intervention and enrichment afterschool program for their elementary children. There, our focus is empowerment, engagement and education. Since taking this on, I’ve been invited twice to share our mission with our community to enlist the support of volunteers and donors to help us in this journey.

Beaming for a quick pic with an elementary teacher at the school we partner with who nominated me to be featured as an example of “Living Black History” during the month of February.

I’m so thankful to have been chosen for this position, and my heart is warmed every day by the stories of their triumphs as we work together. I believe educators have a pivotal role in positively impacting the families that choose America as their new home. It is an honor to help them find their voice and to advocate for them when they need it most.

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