03-10, Words & “My” Heart

A book I selected to read to children years ago because I was in love with the idea.
Words & My Heart

Words are such amazing things.  
I remember feeling 
like they were my friends 
until the end 
even when
I was just a little girl.  
They made my heart swirl.

Words let you color
without paint, run
and not faint,
soar - even if it feels
you cannot fly.
You can climb
in the sky you design.

Words are an art
that stem from your heart
and make roots
in your soul
to help others
know your dreams.
With words, we can esteem.

Words are powerful.
We express our wishes,
confront our distance,
dismantle differences,
that cause division
and rebuild what's broken.
When words are spoken - in truth.

Words sing the songs of my heart
when my spirit's torn apart.
When my mind is mangled,
my thoughts tangled,
words give form to 
my clarity. They convey 
the best of me.  

Words are a gift.
Use them wisely.
Make them timely.
Never idly.
They are a treasure
beyond measure - 
our lyrical diamonds.

#wordsfromtheheart #artinmotion #pictureswithoutpaint #truth #fiction #fantasy #fact #power #poignancy #priceless #lyricaldiamonds #literacylove #carlamichelle

12 thoughts on “03-10, Words & “My” Heart

    1. Lisa,

      That is a fantastic idea! Interestingly, it wasn’t until I taught high school English that I realized the depth of literary devices in much of the music (hip hop/rap/R&B – and even country) that my students listened to – especially with the abundant similarities to what I had otherwise considered as poetry.

      As a result, I often used both – to show them parallels, stir their interest and draw their attention to the linguistic talent of the song writers that they’d otherwise only considered in passing.

      Lyrics, both in poetry and music, can be extremely powerful. I said all of that to say, “Do enjoy!” I think they might like it :o)

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting. I appreciate it.

      ~Carla Michelle


  1. I love words too. What a beautiful poem! My favorite stanza:
    Words let you color
    without paint, run
    and not faint,
    soar – even it feels
    you cannot fly.
    You can climb
    in the sky you design

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Sharon! Always happy to find a fellow enthusiast.

      I am just enamored with how much writers can invoke using printed or handwritten language, even in the absence of actual paint. That fascinates me.

      I feel though our gifts may not be in other or all areas, our fervor and desire to convey meaning and messages give us an incomparable strength to write even when it is hardest.

      Those same words lend themselves to autonomy, independence and the ability to create without restriction. Irrespective of other people’s opinions, writing allows us to put our literary imprint on the world we imagine.

      That, I absolutely love. Keeps me coming back every time (smile).

      Thank you so much for reading. I greatly appreciate your thoughts.

      ~Carla Michelle


    1. Dear Juliette,

      Thank you so much for your response!

      I added this poem with recent happenings deeply ingrained in my mind.

      So many things are said loosely, haphazardly, without regard…

      I believe we should be more mindful of what (and how) we say (it). Words are so precious and impactful. I’m not sure that everyone considers the weight that they wield when using them.

      Though I know words can and are used to hurt, I am much more enamored with how they can be used to help and heal.

      I’m reminded that diamonds are created under extreme pressure; yet, they are among the most beautiful gems of all.

      I think the same can be said of our words. Borne out of the darkest moments, many writers have produced the most brilliant literary works.

      I hope to one day join those ranks.

      Thank you so much for your feedback! I am most honored.

      ~Carla Michelle


  2. “Our lyrical diamonds” is the most perfect line to end the poem. It sums up the multifaceted ways you looked at words in your poem.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Jackie,

      Thank you so much for your kind comments. I would certainly agree with that statement. Words will forever by gems to me. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to use them and share them in a way that warms the hearts of people.

      With Warmest Regards,

      ~Carla Michelle


  3. “Words are powerful.
    We express our wishes,
    confront our distance,
    dismantle differences,
    that cause division
    and rebuild what’s broken.
    When words are spoken – in truth.”

    I read this stanza over several times. Words are powerful, and the ones you chose here make a very powerful point.

    Beautiful poem!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear thewriteapple,

      I am delighted that you read it so diligently as you contemplated its meaning. My thoughts were very full when I wrote this stanza.

      I considered both the weightier things that have been shared with people, communities and nations at large – and about the intimate conversations that occur in obscurity between parents, siblings, grandchildren and friends.

      We discuss what we hope and dream. We challenge what tears us apart. We endeavor to bring healing to what seems to be irreparable – and yet, we can achieve little if these efforts are bereft of veracity.

      I am often disheartened when I learn of the ills of the world; but, I have a confidence that one day, if we rely on Him, we will better learn to right our wrongs through unparalleled love.

      Thank you so much for sharing your feedback. It is always nice as a writer, to be read.

      With Warmest Regards,

      ~Carla Michelle


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