03-10, Sometimes, It's the Simple Things

The beautifully adorned desk of a school employee who transforms her space for every holiday.

I searched my pics diligently in hopes of finding new inspiration for my daily Slice of Life writing challenge. After scrolling through several weeks, I was feeling a little apprehensive. Nothing struck me. Nothing “popped.” Nothing caught my eye; but, as I scrolled back into February, I found myself enchanted with hearts and sparkles and tendrils from a holiday happening. And then I remembered why I was there and captivated at all.

It was parent conference night. I was meeting with teachers for my middle school student, and as I hurriedly rushed along, I missed the picturesque scene upon my arrival, but on my way out, I couldn’t overlook it. I was too smitten.

“This is beautiful!” I exclaimed. Followed by, “Who did this?”

I was quickly informed that the employee (whose name now escapes me) was widely celebrated for her mesmerizing decorations as she faithfully committed to the cause for every happy holiday celebrated at the school. It occurred to me that this took a lot of effort. I reasoned that it wasn’t required. I’m pretty sure it was personally funded, and it appeared that her space was very small. Yet, nearly everyone on the campus, both student and staff, looked forward to her heartwarming creativity and inspiration. Why is that?

Well, I think it’s because sometimes, the simple things can be the most meaningful of all.

I’ve never met a school worker who didn’t have an abundance of tasks to do. Most of the ones I know don’t have a handsome salary. Though there is much to celebrate, there is stress and strain, at times, strife – but I believe most are truly there for the benefit of the students. Nevertheless, I am fascinated by her efforts to brighten the campus from the little bit of space which she’s been given.

I love the neatness of the desk. The concentric valentines that dance from the ceiling. The crimson tinsel that cradles the borders, and the lovely backdrop of bountiful hearts bursting with attention to detail. I am inclined to believe that many people passed by just to take in the sights. I imagine that it provided a pleasant distraction for others who may have been having a gloomy day. I envision warm conversations taking place as they smiled and inquired about her inspiration. I believe all of this occurred primarily because she took time to make a simple plan – to make it beautiful.

This desk didn’t undergo a million dollar makeover. It wasn’t featured on the news or in the trendiest magazine; but, the person who put it together took her time and her effort to transform her space in a way that could positively affect others. How lovely.

On many occasions, there are simple things we can do that can also impact the lives of others. It may be an array of kind comments. Holding open the door. Stopping to give a genuine compliment to a stranger or a wealth of other gestures where we seek to make someone else smile. Often, these efforts cost us little financial investment. Some of them cost nothing at all.

Though I rushed in hurriedly that night, preoccupied with whether I’d be late, I’m glad that my departure was more of a stroll. Even in her absence, and though we’d never met, I found her simple efforts to be breathtaking, and they brightened my day. I snapped the picture so I wouldn’t forget – it’s the simple things we do that can matter most of all.

#brightensomeonesday #Ibelieveinrandomactsofkindness #sparklefromtheinsideout #youneverknowwhoseheartyoullwarm #betheone #carlamichelle

18 thoughts on “03-10, Sometimes, It's the Simple Things

  1. Wow — that is a talent and a passion to transform the area each holiday. I wish I had some of that magic.
    We have a colleague who has slowly been turning our teacher lunch room into a nice lounge — with plants, and a radio playing soft music, and some floor lamps, and it is a calming experience to enter there now, and to be honest, I would have never even thought of such a thing. I’m glad she has.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kevin, I think that is such an amazing gift. And look at how it changes the dynamic for those around you. Not because it’s elaborate, but simply because you can feel that that coworker cares about brightening your day. You relax immediately. #priceless


  2. “The simple things can be the most meaningful of all” – I believe this wholeheartedly. To make one little corner of the world beautiful for others can change a moment, maybe even a day … and those decorations do just that! And so do your words.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Fran. Given the feedback from the readers this morning, I’m highly considering sending this link to the administrator at the school so he can share it with her.

      I want her to know her small deed didn’t go unnoticed. In fact, it has garnered attention and adulation around the world.

      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me.🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree with you a hundred percent! And despite all of the saddening things we see on the news – there are still people who appreciate such gestures.

      I was at a department store the other day, walking briskly, and I noticed an elderly lady behind me who was walking extremely slowly. Her back was curved, and she looked like she was in pain. Interestingly, it reminded me of how slowly I walked last summer, though I’m only 42, because I had become extremely ill and had great difficulty just taking small steps in the grocery store.

      It was the first time I’d noticed how quickly everyone else walked around me – and I suddenly realized how I’d taken walking easily – for granted.

      I held the door open for what felt like several minutes and waited until she arrived at the exit, holding the second door as well. I wish you could have seen her face.

      The only thing it cost me was a little time, but her appreciation is something I’ll never forget. #simplethingsmatter If only we could do them more.

      Thanks again for your feedback!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve read this through twice because it is so rich, but it’s the writing craft of this paragraph that made me pause: “The concentric valentines that dance from the ceiling. The crimson tinsel that cradles the borders, and the lovely backdrop of bountiful hearts bursting with attention to detail. I am inclined to believe that many people passed by just to take in the sights. I imagine that it provided a pleasant distraction for others who may have been having a gloomy day. I envision warm conversations taking place as they smiled and inquired about her inspiration. I believe all of this occurred primarily because she took time to make a simple plan – to make it beautiful.” Each sentence has sounds that connect and structure tha repeats and grows like the circles of the image you are describing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Melanie,

      I am so honored by your remarks! I’m enamored with language and how it can be used with artistic intent. I feel like I’m lacing it together lyrically. I want the words to fall on the ear in a way that is pleasant and soothing, but I don’t want to lose the significance of the content.

      I believe writing is an art. I parallel the craft to sculpting a piece. The detail is something to be treasured, particularly for the observant viewer. That you read it twice to analyze it more critically warms my heart beyond measure.

      Thank you so much!

      With Warmest Regards,

      ~Carla Michelle 💯☺️❤️


  4. Your tribute to a colleague is uplifting. I am constantly in awe of the dedication, creativity and sheer grit of my colleagues. I should express this more directly to them. Noticing each other is one of the most generous gifts we offer. Thank you!


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