03-13, Challenge & Choice

Amidst the challenge of immersion in news everywhere, I choose to notice the beautiful anywhere.

I eagerly and happily entered the breezeway, thankful to have arrived safely at my destination. There was much to be done, said, heard, unpacked. I always leave with a checklist chocked full of reminders, and though I knew my to do list was expectedly long, I still – stopped. Because I saw something beautiful.

I was drawn to the display of organic design. Slices of wood anchoring a vase of vibrant flowers whose softness was rivaled only by their fragrance. I inhaled deeply. Touched gently. Appreciated immensely. I felt as if the petals were stretching upwards in hopes of reaching its sought out sunshine. I shared its fondness for the welcomed warmth.

Ironically, I thought about the shortness of their time. How they were once all tiny seeds that had bloomed and blossomed into such majestically adorned floral arrangements. How essential was it to treasure that their lives were finite. A mere cycle, but then, isn’t just about everything?

Some cycles I treasure greatly because they remind me that what is enjoyed is often temporary. Other cycles bring me comfort for a different reason though. They remind me that not everything will endure. Like tragedy. Discomfort. Confusion. I find that consoling in my current context, as everyday that I tune into the news, irrespective of its source, I learn of a new complication with each update.

It was this morning that I told myself that I’d ponder my challenges and choices. I am challenged to acquiesce to fear and folly. My mind is inclined to soak in the information that tells me I should be afraid. And anxious. And driven by my assumptions; but, my heart tells me I should trust what I’ve conveyed has always been the source of my strength. My faith in God. My belief that nothing is beyond His ability to intervene. My confidence that He can handle dilemmas far better than I can.

I am afforded the opportunity to make choices – about how I feel, how I respond, how I react, how I move forward. I am choosing to console the ones I love and the ones I can help. I am writing letters of encouragement to those who are afraid. I am spending time with my children and planning how to bond over the mandated break. I choose to still enjoy the beautiful things even if the world around me opts to crumble.

I don’t know when things will “get better.” But I do know how I consider them affects what I allow to control me. I care not to be controlled by circumstances or pandemonium. Amidst the daily challenges of maintaining my sanity and my serenity, for my family and my friends, I choose to put my confidence in Him.

#Hecanhandleanything #Iwontmakemychildrenafraid #carefortheoneswhoneeditmost #remembertocareforyourself #hysteriaandhypearenothealthy #beingsafemeansbeingpractical #breathedeeply #everycyelehasanend

8 thoughts on “03-13, Challenge & Choice

    1. I believe it is the best way for me and my family. I don’t want to throw them into the pot of pandemonium.

      I thought about your post this morning. My sons’ schools are closing next week and the week after. My seven year old asked me why.

      I said, “They’re going to do some extra cleaning.” And he said, “For the coronavirus?”

      I answered honestly, but just hearing the term roll off of his tiny lips saddened me. We’d never discussed it before today – and I can’t help but wonder what he’ll think about it while he’s at school.

      I did everything else as normal. Sent him off with a big hug and told him he’s my favorite seven year old in the whole world.

      I intend to spend my next two weeks showing my family as much love as I can and calming their fears as best as I can. We need each other now more than ever in these times. I’m committed to giving them the best that I have…

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Yes it is difficult to keep positive when children don’t really understand and ask questions. So glad you found time to appreciate the beautiful arrangement. It looks amazing. And yes, God must continue to be our strength and anchor. He alone knows the outcome and why this is happening!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Isn’t that the truth! And this morning, I had the wonderful chance to watch big, beautiful snowflakes fall in my back deck. I’ve never appreciated them as much as I have today. It is a reminder to me that He can do far more than we can, even when we pool all of our human efforts together. I’m trusting Him – and thankful for your reminder: “He alone knows why…”

      I’m so glad that He knows better than me!

      Thank you so much for your feedback. You have earned my heart on this snowy day. ~Carla Michelle


  2. “I care not to be controlled by circumstances or pandemonium.” Amen. We have survived the Y2K, bird flu, e coli, the Mayan caledar et al. I have faith we will survive this because -and this too shall pass-..

    Liked by 1 person

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