03-09, Remember When?

My littlest son in the front with my biggest son in the back – two of my four heartbeats

It’s hard for me to look at a picture of any of my sons’ gleeful expressions and not consider the oblivion to the ills of the world. Life is – simple. Pleasures are pure. Heartache is fleeting, and problems are fairly easy to resolve. At times, I’ve been envious – because there are many days when I wished I could put my head on my pillow without worrying about conflict, clashes, conundrums.

I am working on it though. My heart is immersed in a faith so strong that I look to Him for peace. For most of my life, I’ve studied and learned about Him. His deity and His divinity, and His inexplicable ability to give me tranquility and joy when for every other reason, it should escape me. He is indeed, my confidence and my hope, and I rely on Him greatly.

Ironically, of late, I look to my children for a shining example of trusting the ones who love them most (us, as their parents) as a model for how I should trust in Him. Even when they have “rough” days, they don’t seem to worry nearly as much as I do when faced with constant discomforts. They believe, that we still have the ability to protect them; show them love; keep them safe, and ultimately make sure everything will be ok. And the funny things is, His abilities incomparably exceed mine.

I’d like to believe, that I am most often positive. I try with great effort to use a lens of optimism every day, every night, in difficult situations and when all is well; but, there are days that I struggle. There are moments when I feel the weight of the world that seems insistent on spreading maleficence in the most heartless of ways. Nevertheless, when I hold fast to what I know, to what I believe, I remember that He can do what I cannot. He can heal where I am broken. He can care for me far better than I care for myself. When I remember who He is, I am reminded of who I can be. Thus I remember, I need Him more and more everyday.

#forevergrateful #stillbroken #buthealing #relying #trusting #loving #living #learning #remembering #literacylove #carlamichelle

12 thoughts on “03-09, Remember When?

  1. Thank you deeply for your raw honesty today. Your soul is open and what lies heavily on your heart, lies heavily on mine. There is such a fine line between showing full trust in Him and managing the real-life sin of this world. It’s like we’re caught in the realm between heaven and hell. If you figure it out, please fill me in!

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    1. I’d like to believe I learn a little more every day. I am encouraged by our daily (often, several times daily) conversations and what I study from His Word.

      I’m far from having all the answers, but I take great consolation in what I’ve come to understand thus far. I’d be completely lost without Him. He is my ultimate anchor. Thank you so much for reading. This post was a bit more challenging to write than others. #vulnerability


  2. I resonate with so many of your thoughts here. This particular line, “His inexplicable ability to give me tranquility and joy when for every other reason, it should escape me.” is powerful. Thank you for sharing this hope!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jill,

      I fear if my hope was not in Him, I’d be destined for despair! And though I got out of it quickly as possible, I’ve had some days before when my focus shifted from Him, and I found myself in a dark (pain-filled) place that I didn’t want to be.

      There are countless reasons for that: grief, frustration, disappointment, hurt…but as I learn more about Him – and discover the blessings He affords me, both inside and out, I realize that even when difficult times arise, I am not alone.

      Much of my peace comes from recognizing He knows, He sees, He hears and He understands. Too, I believe it won’t be like this forever. One day, He’ll make everything right again..

      Thank you so much for sharing your feedback with me. I greatly appreciate it.


      Liked by 1 person

  3. I, too, have “wished I could put my head on my pillow without worrying about conflict, clashes, conundrums” too. These days it seems like there’s exponentially more to worry about. It certainly is a good time to think about our faith and turn to/lean on that.

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    1. Dear Stacey,

      I’m so glad to know I’m not the only one thinking these things! You are right. It seems it’s getting harder and harder lately.

      The silver lining for me though is that when the world is completely upside down, He still knows how to keep me right side up. I can’t imagine my life without Him…



  4. Thank you for sharing the beautiful pic (“two of your four heartbeats”) and how you lean on faith during these challenging times. Such an interesting point about our children- “Even when they have “rough” days, they don’t seem to worry nearly as much as I do when faced with constant discomforts.” Such strength and hope in this piece.

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    1. It is my pleasure. They are responsible for many smiles on my face – and as I saw in another slice this week, I want to treasure more the time I do have and spend less time bemoaning the time I wish I had.

      That peace is essential to me. I’m not sure I could maintain my sanity in this world with the way it is now.if I didn’t have His divine intervention.

      #truly #priceless

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  5. Hi Carla, this is a beautiful reminder about relying on faith. We, too, are children, and looking at our own certainly helps us to cast our worries elsewhere and do our best to live a life knowing that we will be okay.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Alice,

      I couldn’t have put it better myself. I think He shows us in so many ways the plethora of reasons we have to trust Him – even the symphony of sights and sounds that He has created in the world around us. They testify to His miraculous abilities. I’m learning to trust Him more and better.

      I am still a work in progress.

      Thank you so much for sharing!!

      ~Carla Michelle

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  6. You have expressed how we feel as parents of children in a world that’s so full of difficulties and suffering and having to rely on Him and yet sometimes our faith seems quite inadequate. It is a huge topic that requires a lot of thought!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear LivingLife,

      You have spoken a true word indeed (sigh). I think about it more deeply every day. I am greatly anticipating the moment when trusting Him with full confidence will come to me as naturally as breathing.

      Right now, I think me and my foolish doubts still get in the way. Praying I get better sooner than later, but I’ll never give up.

      Thank you for sharing you encouraging words with me.

      ~Carla Michelle


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