2021 Slicing & Writing…

Seldom do I feel so excited about writing that I’m up late at night, giddy at the mention of slicing – slicing my life that is. On last year, I was introduced to a most ethereal experience – writing about “slices” of my life to be shared with an international writing community while afforded the opportunity to delve into the “slices” of others. It was among the most transcendent communication experiences I’ve ever had.

I felt like the pages I “turned” were quite literally from all over the world, and the beauty of exchanging in such rich discourse about the craft and creation of our innermost thoughts was most validating. I’ve thought about it all year since then – and though my fears crept in about how would I manage, my increase in responsibilities and the many tasks which seem to topple over in my head – I also made up my mind that I wouldn’t miss it. I’d prepare. I’d give it a 110% – because I have many slices of life to share and even more that I care to read.

So, I’ll hope you enjoy each one. Cheers to #literacylove.

~Carla Michelle