03-18, The Silver Lining: My Tiny Writer

My new “classroom” & new “students.” Michael (15), Christopher (12), Isaiah (7) & Jonathan (3).

My life has changed in many ways in recent days. Income lost. Deadlines delayed. Clients dismayed. And my dining room has become my classroom.

It’s been many years since I taught in the classroom. I’d been honing my skills as a literacy coach, speaker, consultant, writer. I’ve liked it so much. Yet, I found myself up all night long trying to put together lesson plans for my four boys. I was feverishly working to set up my new “classroom.”

Thrust back into the role of a full-time teacher, I couldn’t help but note the tingling sensation that used to crawl up my spine every early August. I was anticipating my “students’” arrival. Preparing their “desks.” Considering their needs and anticipating an amazing day.

It was not easy, but it was worth it, and my greatest reward was that my reluctant, first grader, who has hated writing because of his developmental spelling, was so excited after a lesson that he wanted to write me six…stories.

Isaiah’s Writer’s Notebook

I told him that he didn’t have to worry about the stories just yet. They were kinda like “ingredients” in a special dish. They might not look quite right in the beginning, but we could fix them – like the icing on the cake. He finished the analogy for me well before I got to the end. He embraced it, and the magic began. Here’s one of his amazing stories – and the reason that lifted my spirits, despite all of the challenges that lie ahead.

Translation: There is a hideous monster attacking the city. Eventually, a super hero in the sky saves the city. (Isaiah is my little superhero – and my future writer!)

And this is why I teach. Because teaching equals, love.

#carlamichelle #theteacherforlife #theclassroomiswhereyoumakeit #lifelessons #teachkidstowrite

14 thoughts on “03-18, The Silver Lining: My Tiny Writer

  1. Oh, my, what a sweet, sweet story of children giving us hope and comfort. Yay for Isaiah! What a great story. I love his big vocabulary word choices–eventually, hideous. Give him our kudos!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know!! I’m so proud of him. He left me overjoyed. I love his vocabulary, and I’m so glad to finally see it translate to his writing. I can’t wait to see what lies ahead. #feelingexcited

      And I did give him your kudos! He was beaming from one ear to the other! #mylittlewriter

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  2. This is amazing. What a great story. It cheered up my night. I was pretty gloomy but reading your slice and the photo of your family gave me hope for all the Isaiahs in the world that have a wonder woman behind. that let them thrive.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, I’m so glad to hear that! I feel like we could all use a lot more hope right now. I pray that there are many more Isaiahs to be uncovered and nurturing teachers who cherish writing as much as the participants in this challenge. That would make my heart smile. Fingers crossed and prayers up. ~Carla Michelle

      Liked by 1 person

  3. There is so much to love about your post! The notebook, Isaiah, and I do love your new classroom… Are those name plates I see? “Because teaching equals, love.” Yes, it sure does.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad you did, Maria. I’ve long felt an affection for Writer’s Notebooks. I used them often with my students when I was still in the classroom. I couldn’t imagine working with my own boys any other way.

      I did make some name plates, lol! I wanted to make them have a good sense of academia even though we were really in our dining room.

      Teaching does equal love – whether our own children or our students. I’m happy to have been taught what it means to be an effective educator. I think it makes all the difference in the world.

      Thanks so much for reading! ~Carla Michelle


    1. It has been an adventure already! However, I am ready for this ride. I can’t tell you how wonderful it’s been – even with the challenges. Looking forward to giving my best and helping them to grow in the process. Cheers to you, and thank you so much for your feedback. ~Carla Michelle


    1. Aww, thank you so much! You are absolutely right – he is (already) an amazing writer. I stand corrected, lol. I’m so enjoying watching him develop. It is perhaps the highlight of this homeschooling experience. #priceless

      Thanks so much for your feedback!


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