My Little March Madness

The joys of hanging out with half the quad squad

Every year while millions of people around the world celebrate March Madness because of college basketball, I celebrate it because three of my sons were born in March (as well as my mom), and one was born in April, five days a part from his dad.

It gets crazy! There’s lots of cake, lots of ice cream, perhaps too many sweets, presents – but so much love. This year, the nine year old sang his brother awake (can I say that in a sentence)? He happily responded, trounced up the stairs and said with an enormous, proud smile, “Mom, I’m six! Where’s my cake?!”

Needless to say, there were endless shenanigans and we were equally elated across the span of Kindergarten to 11th grade. As a mom, I’m just savoring their excitement with each year and secretly lamenting that it brings us one step closer to the quad squad counting down backwards until it’s just me and their dad.


In the meantime, I’m treasuring every moment. While we’re excited for very different reasons, for me – it’s priceless.

2 thoughts on “My Little March Madness

  1. Oh, I love this sweet and intimate peek into your life. The idea of singing someone awake is wonderful! And that picture is pure love!
    My daughters and I all have our birthdays in February, so I understand your March madness vibe! There’s always both relief and sadness when the month is over. Thank you for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I couldn’t agree more! I look forward to it with anticipation and sigh with relief at its conclusion – revved up within a year’s time to do it all over again. It is just precious! Thank you for responding!


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