I Wish, I Wonder

A piece of a beautiful mural I saw while taking my ESL student to a trade school
I wish I could stare at art all day.
I wonder what it's like to step into a picture.
Is it like stepping into the mind of the artist?
Would you step into an adventure?
Would the artist join you
or the world around you?

I wish moments could be frozen in time,
like the still frames that grace the canvases.
If only we could capture hope
in a frame,
and frame our way of thinking to be 
more caring
and less crass.

I wonder what it would be like
to color our world in hues
of humanity.
The richest realms of 
Vibrant vignettes of viable

Could it brighten our outlook?
Could it deepen our empathy?
Could we align our points
of commonality?
Could we soften our 
sharp edges just enough 
to see that it's really 
that makes the world go 'round?

I wish.
I hope.
I wonder.

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