03-25, Simple & Sweet

Taken from a day in the garden at the first elementary school where I taught
If Only It Could Be This Simple
Some days, life seems so simple and sweet.
Makes me wonder what life could be
if we didn't complicate it so easily.

I remember basking in the sun
through the garden.  Regrets were none.
I felt like I was the only one.

You plant the seed, they soak up the rays.
It seems they're here for only a few days.
Yet, there beauty never seems to fade.

I wish sometimes I could make life like this.
A snapshot of warmth and growth and bliss.
I'm forever the eternal optimist.

7 thoughts on “03-25, Simple & Sweet

    1. Dear Book Dragon,

      If you only knew how much you’ve made my day. I have another assignment for which I’m supposed to writing poetry. I’ve felt so stumped all evening. I stopped working on that to try to put something together quickly tonight for my slice and felt it was a bit subpar (and perhaps potentially disappointing to whomever might read it).

      How terribly (yet happily) surprised I am to read your comment. I couldn’t have imagined that your thoughts would have ever been takeaway. Nevertheless, I am humbled and honored. Thank you for your kind response. I appreciate it more than you know.

      ~Carla Michelle

      p.s. You make me want to write better and more thoughtfully…Many Thanks for the inspiration

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank You, kindly, Book Dragon.

        And in that vein, I am fascinated with what you’re doing in your room with those beautiful, vibrant learners – and I am staying tuned to your aspirations of having them participate in the Classroom Slice of Life challenge in April.

        I wasn’t sure of where/how to comment on your page, but I read your posts with anticipation and enthusiasm.


        ~Carla Michelle

        p.s. me. talented. the rookie. that makes me smile :o) #manythanks

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Carla, you are far from a rookie!
        You have a natural grace with words, a true talent and gift!
        Thank you for your warm wishes for the Classroom SOLC. I’ve been percolating in my brain how to manage it . . . I’ve been jotting down my thoughts and will unfold them in one of my SOLC posts.
        Re commenting on my classroom blog — viewers need to leave the home page and click in the blog post title to bring up that individual post, then the comment box will appear. (I wish is was more straightforward, sigh.)

        Many thanks,


  1. Carla, your words are nourishing to me as I feel overwhelmed with the unpacking process of my life move. These words resonate with me: I wish sometimes I could make life like this.
    A snapshot of warmth and growth and bliss.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear cvarsalona,

      I have not the words to convey what it does to my heart to know that anything I’ve written has resonated with a reader as you’ve described. It gives such meaningfulness to the endeavor!

      I presented at a writing professional development training today with a team of colleagues to elementary school teachers who wanted to help student writers in grades K-2.

      My mentor was there and added during her presentation that it was an unthinkable affair to know that so many of our young authors have written entries faithfully in notebooks that have never been read nor responded to…

      Thank you so much – for reading – and for responding, remembering, reliving, reconnecting and realizing that the connection of our contemplated and shared thoughts cements the sacredness that sincere writing invokes.

      Please forgive my lengthiness; but, you have touched my heart at a time when I was feeling weary in my writing – as if it wasn’t well enough. Perhaps, I was wrong.

      Forever Truly Grateful,

      ~Carla Michelle


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