“Take Me There…”

My fearless little flyer who’s ready to travel with me at the drop of a hat. Juanito Chiquito!

I’m always fascinated to hear of the voyages of friends and colleagues far and wide. At 46, I’ve never had a passport – though, I’ve dreamed of one. I did lots of traveling between states as a teenager, mainly with my church and absolutely loved it! However, I didn’t have quite the traveling bug in my early 20s (and now, I wish I would have)! Somewhere between wife-ing and mom-ing four spirited boys, I surmised, “Aaaaaa, traveling altogether out of the country would be really challenging, especially because they’re so small!”

Nevertheless, I thought I could still try some things within the States, especially after we moved away from my home of 37 years in Houston. Most of the family that I grew up with is still there! I’ll tell you, that airport security line with six people with devices is quite a colorful experience, but we manage! Each trip has been fun, even when just going back between Texas and Colorado. I travel more frequently between the two states on my own, typically for speaking engagements; but, last week (for the first time), I took just the two Littles with me…and I noticed a few things.

I love the fearlessness of my boys, especially my Littlest Little. Whenever he finds out that he gets to go anywhere on a plane, he’s excited and elated! Because I know my kids, I didn’t tell them until the morning of. It was akin to, “Hey, we’re going to see Grandma in Texas! I packed your bags, so let’s get up, get dressed and get going!” There was no pushback, few questions and enthusiasm galore. That, I expected, and I was terribly tickled! Among the things that I loved, is that Little People in general have so few inhibitions. Unlike their adult counterparts, they’re not weighed down by “what-ifs?” They often recognize the potential for adventure, and they’re ready for the ride.

In his eagerness, he reminded me of a few things: 1) Age is a stage, but not a determinant. Start the next thing of interest as much as your capacity will allow you. 2) Approach the unknown with an open mind. Risk is a part of everything, but adventure can be around the corner, and 3) Don’t worry about who’s around you! You may be going in the same direction, but you’re on two different journeys. Speed up when you need to, slow down if necessary, and pass if you have to. The most important thing is that you enjoy the path. So, what do I say to my next adventure? Take me there…

My little Spiderman is full of an enviable confidence. I know he’s learning from me, but I think it’s more befitting to say that we’re learning from each other.

P.S. We had no small battle about whether he would wear those PJs in the airport. I told him PJs were for bedtime only. Needless to say, I conceded defeat – and I’m glad he did! He wore them proudly. Another lesson learned for me, LOL.

#lovemesomhim #juanitopoquito #traveler #takemethere #planningmynextadventure #jointhejourney

The Elation of Education – As Seen By TEacher Optimists

Last week’s gala – where I had the privilege to speak at an event to remember with my current Head of Schools & Co-Founder of PSAT Academy – and former elementary co-worker, Ms. Camisha Adams

Many people have heard of countless accounts Post-COVID of how educators are leaving the field in droves. This is true for many reasons. However, there are many educators who continue to instruct and inspire amidst the challenges because there’s still elation to be found in education.

I’m privileged to work alongside one of those amazing powerhouses, whom I first met early in our teaching careers when she taught Pre-K and I taught 2nd grade. Our experience has since come full circle! Today, we’re achieving the impossible in a contemporary environment with cutting-edge technology, and I couldn’t be more excited!

Here’s a lyrical acronym in honor of this special moment. Thank you to Ms. Camisha Adams for extending my educational journey into adventures previously unknown!

Engaged in the 
Dedication of
Unbiased instruction
Customized for each student
Anchored by passion
Taught from the heart to
Open young minds to both
Realities and possibilities so they can
Simply soar.

To every educator who has and continues to prepare the next generation, thank you. #educatorsrock #work #passion #heart #ministry #priceless #drcarlamichelle

“Playing” with my Plant-Based Food…

Someone, somewhere heard my desperate pleas – and I’m so grateful! Thank You, Reese’s!

So, I recently read a phenomenal poem that was acrostic in nature called “The ABCs of My First and Second Graders.” Now mine isn’t nearly as sophisticated, but I was definitely inspired to play with my words and mesh them with one of my greatest loves – vegan desserts!

I was ECSTATIC to find these plant-based Reese’s at a vegan cupcake shop in Denver, Colorado. I’d been dreaming about them long before they were a thing! (Am I the only one who dreams about food? LOL). Anyway, I thought it would be most befitting to try this acrostic on for size. Don’t believe the hype – plant based diets can be delectable! Thank You “writingandlaughing” for “sharing your smiles and stories” with the world. We are listening :o)

Layered with
Ample peanut butter
Nestled between smooth, vegan chocolate
That need not

Be devoid of taste.
Arriving at the perfect time,
Syncing my tastebuds with confectionary
Delighted, I am - indeed!

#yum #vegangirl #reeses #candy #chocolate #priceless #drcarlamichelle

How ‘Bout Those Buffs!

My second time unexpectedly running into Alton McCaskill, IV, Colorado Buffs Running Back

I’ve never been a fan of football in my entire life. I had my reasons (with which I won’t belabor you here). I was so under informed about the basics Who’s Who of the game, that I didn’t recognize a Colorado college star when he set next to me on the plane on a recent trip back from Houston. Though I was certainly intrigued by the Cinderella story!

I’m a social butterfly of sorts, so I happily engaged him and asked, “Do you play basketball?” This made sense to me because I teach basketball students at a private school, and he seemed to fit a similar profile – tall, athletic build, young…

I did know about the team, albeit I was Johnny-come-lately. I’m a Deion fan, a recent transient to Colorado, and on the heels of a fresh basketball championship with the Denver Nuggets, I couldn’t help but be elated about the electrifying excitement the Buffs were experiencing in our state. In fact, it ignited my interest in the game.

I’m still far from an expert, but after a plane-length conversation with Mr. McCaskill, and then later seeing him at a shelter where we had the opportunity to volunteer together, I must admit, I love this football team even more!

What this coach and this team have achieved extends far beyond the football field. They’ve given a welcome lift to the spirits, social fabric and economy of a community at large. For that, I’m grateful!

Here’s an ode to their many future successes in a little haiku. Let the next season begin!

#gobuffs #teamdeion #goalton #newfan #Ibelieve


First time football fan.
Wildfire enthusiasm.
I’m a believer!

May I Take This Moment?

Me recognizing that the first two littles of my current quadsquad are not so little anymore… (pictured left with my brother and right with my husband – “Mike & Chris”).

I’ve been promptly informed by sage parents beyond my years that I should do less fussing (light fussing, of course) and more enjoying of my little ones. “They grow up so fast,” they said. “It’s different when they’re gone,” they noted. “You’ll want to treasure these moments forever,” they admonished – and in the newness of my parenting – and sometimes being overwhelmed – I naively thought, “You have no idea what I’m going through!”

And then, I grew up a bit. I always treasured motherhood because I had for so long looked forward to having a real live babydoll (my thoughts as a little girl). I never imagined that those “baby dolls” don’t always go to sleep when you lay down; may seldom “follow directions” (HA!!!!); don’t poop and pee on the schedule of your choice; don’t understand a mommy’s exhaustion – and (often) don’t fend for themselves, well into (what I’d call) transitional adulthood.

Nevertheless, they are so…precious. As much as I looked forward to them “growing up” when I was a young mom, I feel like I want a rewind button now! I’ve been blessed to have a quadsquad of 7-18; but, even as I savor the development of my littlelest Littles (now 7 – and today, 11), I can’t help but remember when the Bigs were the only ones I had; they were the Littles…and now, they’re not so little anymore!

I was reminded when my brother sent me this picture the other day. I showed it to the “New” Littles, and the 7 yr-old exclaimed, “Who is that?!” When I told him those were his big brothers, he said, “Mom, that’s impossible,” which made me laugh. For a moment, my heart skipped several beats. Memories flooded my mind of all of the days that we spent together, laden with fun and fervor, when I couldn’t fathom having more than a pair. It was so different then!

I was proud of myself for finally figuring out how to wrangle my all-boy boys. I planned and promised and prepared to show as much love as I could muster. Fast forward, I feel like there are many things that I’m still getting the hang of – though I’d say Round 2 Littles is going better than Round 1. I’ve learned a few things! Or maybe more than few…but this picture, had a wee bit of bittersweetness to it.

Today, the Bigs tower over me (for which, they are very amused – and frequently remind me, “Mom, you’re so little!” (i.e., a whopping 5’2″ and 118 lbs). My affection has only changed in that it’s quadrupled for all of my quadsquad. I love each of them more and more every day, and I’m enamored with the incessant discoveries and blooming of their personalities. With this picture, I felt a bit sad. Those seasoned parents were right! I miss when they were so tiny and wanted to follow me around; the saturated schedules, the endless glee, the, “We’ve never done this befores” replete with excitement.

Who told them they could grow up? Doesn’t this mean they’re closer to going away? I mean, I know that. I accept it. I embrace it…but part of me wants to shrink them back down to size – so they can be little again, too. I miss these days! So much innocence #sigh. The beautiful thing is, it prompts me to treasure all of our moments today in ways that I hadn’t always contemplated – in “adulting,” teen-aging, and little people-ing Round 2 – so much more. Because I know moments lost can never be returned.

I love them in ways that are beyond my scope of description – because they are each a part of me, and those whom I love the most…

So, may I take this moment? May I seize the opportunity to remember how important it is that we memorialize our most sacred experiences memories? Life is entirely too short to miss those milestones that sew our hearts together. How fortunate I am to realize my dream of being a mom. These four boys have given me a gift that I could never have imagined in my wildest dreams.

I’m so grateful. To all of my sons, Mommy loves you into eternity. ~xoxo

#takethismoment #memories #family #boymom #quadmom #motherhood #everydayismothersday #priceless #love #drcarlamichelle

Slowing Down While Soaring Through

Me and the Littles – our first time traveling together (because usually, we’re a clan of 6 with dad and their two big brothers)!

Where did the week go?
It seemed
we’d just arrived!
Six days with Grandma is
long enough.
We smile
and we sigh.
So much love
- and pizza pies.

Bouncy jumping.
Cousins pouncing.
Hugs and bugs
and things
boys love.
Visits, tickets,
for the perfect combination
of work and fun.

Crazy week.
Galas, trailers,
gifts and favors.
Letters, ladders,
so much chatter.
Deadlines, guidelines,
Grandma’s lifelines.
Slowing down,
but losing time.

It is precious…
each small message
sings a song
of gifts from heaven.
of laughs
and tears
both tried and true.
Just slowing down
while soaring through.

~Written on my phone at Hobby Airport in Houston, Texas ❤️✈️💯

Mi Artista Poquita

Skye & I

Today, I had the opportunity to spend time with my lovely niece. I am forever fascinated with her budding talent, as she has long displayed an interest in art. Though she is very much a little girl, she is also sophisticated and creative; innovative and thoughtful – and she captivates with an imagination that comes to life in composition and on canvas.

Artistry runs in our family. My father was exceptionally good, and while I’m not nearly as astute as he was, I have spent many days in childhood and adulthood scripting and scribbling, sketching and the like; but, I’m so excited about her artistry. The ease and the enthusiasm are ever prominent. So, today’s “Slice of Life” is an ode to her, and I anticipate the opportunities inherent in her future.

Mi Artista Poquita
My talented niece.
I can't wait to see her shine.
Nine-year-old artist.

I Want to Live…

Me choosing to volunteer in circumstances I’d otherwise shun – negative degree weather.

Though I know we’ve started 2024 with a bang, I’m still reflecting quite a bit on 2023; not in a negative way. It is filled with introspection. I’m reflecting and considering from the inside out what happened in my life; what was beyond my control; what I could have done differently, and ultimately how I want the culmination of the like to help me set my course for the year. It has been quite insightful.

The ups and downs of yesteryear felt like a roller coaster ride for which I didn’t purchase a ticket. I was invited. The thrills were great and filled with glee; but, the dips and dives often felt unbearable. Have you ever been on a ride where you were slowly ascending to a frightening height? The rhythmic clanking of the metal beneath affirms you’re going just a little bit higher with each inch. When you reach the top and look below, you get a bird’s eye view of everything around you. 

In one moment, it is beautiful to behold. In the next, you realize how dangerous it could be so far away. There’s a brief pause, and then – the inevitable drop. While some find this exhilarating, others (including myself) shudder at the feeling of queasiness that ensues. It’s a stark reminder that it feels like your insides are on an adventure of their own. Shrills and squeals of fellow riders are often drowned out by your own swirling thoughts. After the end of my share of roller coaster experiences, I found myself inexplicably happy to get my feet back on the ground. 

Somehow, it is this analogy that has felt most befitting for me. I always begin the year with great hope and expectation. I’ve been a goal setter since I was a little girl, and I am sometimes optimistic to a fault. Nevertheless, 2023 brought me heartbreaks that I couldn’t have anticipated. There were too many losses of loved ones that left me speechless; career changes that weren’t expected; marred relationships with people we’d trusted, and of course the standard challenges of parenting four lively boys (smile).

What has resonated with me of late stems from conversations with my husband – and myself, and among my conclusions is that, I want to live.

I’ve not been diagnosed with a terminal disease. I don’t have any major health issues nor am I in dire circumstances; but, I don’t know that I’m living to the fullest, and I think for many the same is true. I’ve come to believe that far more people are in somewhat of a survival mode on different points of a spectrum. Some are barely hanging on because of financial challenges. Others are emotionally spent and terribly fragile as a result. Then, there are those who have gotten stuck in a rut of just getting through the day in an endless cycle. So, I’ve questioned, “Where exactly am I?”

I’ve been somewhere in a realm of exasperation akin to, “Too many irons in the fire” (as pointed out to me frequently by family and friends). I’ve spread myself so thinly at times that I had difficulty physically simply walking in my home. I was exhausted! I thought by doing so I was being more helpful to others; a greater addition to a team; a stronger voice in the crowd; a supermom with a bigger cape. However, I was actually weakening my benefit by not taking better care of myself. This occurred to me in a more pronounced way in the latter part of the year. Subsequently, I begin planning how to do better.

I am learning.

You know what I decided? I want to live.

I don’t want to stay up so late to finish tasks that I begin to feel aches and pains in my chest that shouldn’t be there. 

I don’t want to commit to so many promises that I find myself unable to keep them without compromising my health.

I don’t want to work so hard and so long that I miss out on irreplaceable moments with my husband and children. 

I want to stay deeply connected to my family, both immediate and extended.

I want to savor meals and dining and delicacies while tasting the seasonings with which they were prepared. I want to appreciate the textural contrast and the aesthetic appeal; indulging in the fragrant aromas.

I want to have conversations, short and long, with friends and family and strangers that I will never forget. I want to experience moments created and unexpected that change my life and make me appreciate it even more. I want to be so present that something I say and do can soften or comfort the hearts of the ones that need it most.

I want to take care of myself as much as I can – so that others don’t have to take care of me unnecessarily.

I want to laugh. Longer, louder and most often with the ones that I love.

I want to go when I can, and only delay if I must.

I want to embrace the elements I love.

I want to do

and feel

and try

and see

and taste

and touch

and smell

and be…

I want to live.

I don’t want to survive – because I’m hanging by a thread. I want to be intentional and plan what I can. And when planning isn’t optimal, I want to yield to spontaneity.

I want to love and lift; leap and light. 

I want to leave this world with no regrets because if haven’t learned anything else this past year, I’m confident that life is far shorter…than we can ever imagine. (Please consider here people you’ve lost that you would have loved to have held just a little while longer…)

Survival isn’t a terrible thing. It encompasses those moments in our life where we put our energy into holding on long enough to make it to the next milestone. I don’t believe that it should be our unchanging status, though. Perhaps a bridge instead. I’m not suited for permanent survival mode. I’ve come too far. I intend to thrive – because I want to live.

And you’re invited.

#live #laugh #love #leap #learn #InHim #2024 #breathe #goals #choices #dobetter #motivation #inspiration #priceless #drcarlamichelle

Hoops & Dreams

This week has been a contemplative one; but, one that I will never forget. My heart was particularly full as I find the holidays difficult, following the indelible loss of those who were closest to me. As a boy mom, I often think about my own quad squad. I reflect notably about my husband, as we’ve recently passed the 20-year mark. My mom, the last of the quad squad who helped raise me (mom, dad, maternal grandmother and uncle on my mom’s side), weighs the most heavily in my thoughts – and though I live in Colorado, I am writing this post in the airport in Houston, Texas (headed home). This week though, my thoughts culminated into a swirl of imagery-laden emotions.

Earlier this year, I took on an additional assignment. Believing wholeheartedly in an exciting venture of a good friend and former colleague, I agreed to teach English Language Arts online at a specialized academy for athletes. I figured it would be awesome, as I currently teach Research and Writing I and II online for a local seminary and was afforded the pleasure of teaching high school and elementary in person while in Houston. Subsequently, I’ve been smiling at their bright faces for the last few months and educating my heart out. It was phenomenal! As our semester recently ended, I decided to surprise them by showing up to one of their games in person. And I must say, it was well worth the journey.

I was immediately reminded of the joys of sitting on the sidelines and cheering for those you care about! I felt a surge of the most meaningful sentiments. As we shouted and admonished, basked in the joys and the defeats, I remembered how important it is to make the most of our time. As several of our writing assignments were tailored to cover topics that were intricately embedded in all-things-basketball, their stories served as a backdrop while I watched them race up and down the court. I thought about their qualms and their convictions. I remembered their strengths and their struggles. I was elated by their hoops and their dreams, and somehow it made me even more appreciative.

There is so much in life over which we have little to no control, but how powerful is the remainder that lies within our grasp! We can control how we respond, to whom we share compassion and love, the decisions we make – and often, the impact we have on others. I don’t know that I’ll ever stop mourning the loves I’ve lost who made the greatest difference in my life. However, I can choose to honor their sacrifices and affection for me, by paying it forward – as a mom, a daughter, a wife, a teacher, a friend, a sister, a confidant, and even a stranger who offers a kind word to a hurting soul. 

I smiled even harder at the weekend games after my students figured out how really – um, vertically challenged I am (5’2″ – and most of my kids [all boys] are upward of 6’6″)! We all look the same size on the computer screens, LOL! I warned them that if I ever saw them in person that I might be small in size, but I was [a] giant in spirit. The only thing bigger than those boys is the love that I have for being their teacher, seeing them succeed and sharing in this wonderful journey at a very special school. I can’t wait to see them reach their hoops and dreams. What a wonderful reminder to live every moment to the fullest. I encourage everyone (to the best of their ability) to do the same.

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

#drcarlamichelle #hoops #dreams #boys #basketball #boymom #educator #coach #englishlanguagearts #literacy #makeitcount #priceless